10 Easy Church Outreach Ideas Every Pastor Should Do
Is your church looking to increase their outreach? Part of a healthy church ministry is engaging in the community and there are many ways to do that.
As you are making outreach plans for your church, you should identify the needs of your community and the resources of your church.
These 10 easy outreach ideas can help you get the message out about the good work your church is doing!
1) Financial Management Class
Healthy and responsible money management can be a tricky subject for some people. Your church has the opportunity to provide immense value through financial stewardship classes.
Covering topics like budgeting, tithing, investing, goal setting, debt, banking, and taxes are essential. There are several courses available, such as Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University.
2) CarePortal
CarePortal is a tool that connects you to the immediate needs in your community and allows you to donate directly to the individuals who need it. Instead of donating to a large organization, you can donate directly to the people in your community who need help, allowing you to tangibly see the impact of your donation.
CarePortal allows you to connect with those people directly and make a meaningful impact in the lives of others.
3) Seasonal Festival for Families
The holidays open up lots of opportunities for you to put on festivals and events as outreach. A Christmas Market, Easter egg hunt, or fall festival are fun ways to bring people together and let the community know what your church is doing!
4) Community Food/Clothes Drive
Holding a food and clothes drive can draw people who are interested in donating. Partner with a local homeless shelter or food bank and encourage people to donate volunteer time, clothing, or canned goods.
5) Movie Night
If you have a sanctuary with large screens, a movie night is a fun way to bring people together. Pick a family friendly movie (we love Disney’s Up and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe), and you invite people from your community to eat popcorn and wear their pjs!
6) Coffee Shop
Many churches already have functioning coffee machines and stations that they use on a Sunday morning. Open that up during the week with some strong wifi, and tables and chairs in your foyer, and you have a great, community coffee shop!
Coffee shops can easily draw young people, professionals, and moms looking to get out of the house.
7) Classroom Sponsorship
Sponsoring a classroom or a nearby school can be a great way to get involved in your local community. You will be supporting teachers and students!
You can also do a school supplies drive at the beginning of the school year and donate to a nearby school.
9) Community Service
One of the most versatile ways your church can do outreach is through community service. Each city, neighborhood, and community have specific needs, and your church can help meet them.
Painting houses, feeding the homeless, fixing fences, or cleaning up garbage is a great way to mobilize your congregation in the community.
10) Marriage Health Class
Hurting marriages are one of the number one concerns in broken communities, and your church can reach those people! Classes like The Marriage Course or premarital counseling offered by your church can reach people outside the church and in it.
Written in partnership with Reach The Lost.